October 2, 2011
International Humanism Today:
Report from the 2011 International Humanist Congress

Randy Best, EHST Leader

Randy will report on the activities and inspiration that he found at the
International Humanist and Ethical Union's Congress held in August 2011 in Oslo, Norway.

The experience was heightened by the recent terrorist attack in Oslo and Norway's reaction to these events. The Congress was a powerful experience he is eager to share with you.

This year's theme was peace, and it is ironic that the congress was held shortly after the terrorist attacks in Oslo. The response of the Norwegian government and the people of Norway to this tragedy is an inspiration for the world to follow.

For more information see Leader.

October 16, 2011
Zionism and the Birth of Israel

William James Martin
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Mr. Martin will be presenting a paper about the roots of Zionism, Zionist collaboration prior to and during WWII with the Nazi party, and the impact this has had on Israeli-Palestinian relations since the establishment of a Jewish state IN 1948. “History might have been very different had the Zionists component of Jewry opposed Nazism and there might never have been a Holocaust. And there might never have been a state of Israel, as many of the Zionists well understood.”

October 9 and 23

The issues and questions raised in Randy Best's presentation on conflict and peace at AEU's International Humanist Congress will be covered October 9th. The impact of the early Zionist movement on the state of Israel will be discussed October 23rd.

EHST Activities

October 2

This Sunday is our regular collection day for the IFC food pantry. Items this organization needs this month can be seen at Priority Items.

October 21

The Bellwether Book Club meets the third Friday of the month. The book discussed this month is The Girl Who Fell from the Sky by Heidi Durrow, a Bellwether Prize winner for 2008. Among other themes the book explores racial identity.

October 27

Our scheduled cook and serve project for IFC is this Thursday from 4 to 7:15pm. Contact Amy Piersma to sign up.

IFC Events

IFC Annual Meeting and Potluck
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share and to RSVP. If you plan to attend, please send your name, affiliation (if any) and the kind of dish you are bringing to assistant@ifcweb.org or call Elizabeth at (919) 929-6380 ext.15. This event is being held at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 940 Carmichael Street, in Chapel Hill.

RSVVP - Dine out and Fight Hunger!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

RSVVP is the benefit held by area restaurants once a month to give 10% of their proceeds on a given day to a selected charity. On RSVVP Day, more than 100 restaurants in Chapel Hill and Carrboro will give 10% of their receipts to support the IFC programs, which fight hunger. EHST members are encouraged to join members and friends in dinner out at one of the many participating restaurants. As the date gets closer we will select one or two locations where a group can gather to enjoy a good meal and an evening of fellowship.

Post-Turkey Day Jam Benefit Concert
Friday, November 25, 2011

Musician Jon Shain has once again put together a great line-up of local musicians to play a concert whose proceeds benefit the IFC. As its name suggests, the Post-Turkey Day Jam will take place the evening after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 25th starting at 8 p.m. Thanks to the generosity of owner Frank Heath, the newly renovated Cat’s Cradle, located at 300 East Main Street in Carrboro, will host the show.

New Year’s Eve Concert
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Another concert benefiting IFC will be held on December 31, 2011 in the sanctuary of United Church of Chapel Hill, located at 1321 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Chapel Hill. The Road Home Band will play a joyous mix of folk, bluegrass, and old time music beginning at 7 p.m.
Attendees are asked to make a cash donation.

UNC Fall Programs UNC Humanities in Action is presenting a series of programs paying homage to the tradition of civic humanism. These will be at Flyleaf Books. Check the link for topics and dates.