Platform Meetings – 2001

December 27
Holiday Celebration -- A Mummer's Play
St. George and the Dragon

December 13
Randy Best, Vice-President, NC Society for Ethical Culture
A Values Clarification Exercise in Morality

November 22
Members and Friends of the North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
A Time for Thanksgiving

November 8
Don Johnson, Leader Emeritus, New York Society for Ethical Culture
Toward an Ethic of Compromise?

October 25
NCSEC Membership Meeting

October 11
Vivian Plonsey, President, Womens’ International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Toward World Peace, Freedom, and Social Justice

September 27
Dr. Rynn Berry, Author and Professor, the New School for Social Research
Ethical Visions and the World's Religions

September 13
Chris H. Kaman, President, NC Society for Ethical Culture
Raising Ethical Children

August 23
Dr. E. M. Adams, UNC Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
An Economy Fit for Human Beings

August 9
Randy Best, Vice President, NC Society for Ethical Culture
Winning: A Group Exercise

July 26
Laurie Lynch, ND, Director of the Living Well Health Center
Ethics and Alternative Medicine

July 12
Catherine Lutz, Anthropology Professor, UNC
What's Wrong with Human Nature Arguments for War

June 28
Rania Masri from the Global Movement to End the War Against Iraq
Iraq Sanctions: The Dying Children
(See Iraq Action Coalition for more information.)

June 14
Michael Peterson, Herald-Sun Columnist
The Ethics of Outspoken Journalism -- My Experience

May 24
James Coley, Visiting Lecturer at the UNC Philosophy Department
Moral Dilemmas: A Secular Ethical System to Grapple With Difficult, Real-World Moral Conflict

May 10
Bill Peck
Ethical Considerations and Indigenous Guatemalan People

April 26
Panel Discussion --
Enid Handler, moderator, Health & Human Services Consultant,
Martin Eakes, The Coalition for a Public Trust,
Rep. Joe Hackney, Orange County Legislator,
Tom Jacks, Deputy Commissioner, NC Insurance Department,
A Representative from Blue Cross/Blue Shield
The Blue Cross-Blue Shield Conversion: What It Will Mean to the Citizens of NC

April 12
Olin Beall Member of NC Society for Ethical Culture
An Ethic for the 21st Century: A Stand Against Absolutist Certainty and Relativistic Nihilism

March 22
Arthur Dobrin Leader, Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island
Why I Am Not a Unitarian

March 8
Alex Roland, Professor and Chair, Department of History, Duke University
The Blessings of Nuclear Weapons

February 22
Michael Steinberg, Investigative Journalist
Nuclear Power: Is It Really Safe?

February 8
William H. Chafe, Alice Mary Baldwin Distinguished Professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Duke University
Feminism and Civil Rights: A Comparative Approach to Social Change Movements in America

January 25
Ralph Balzac, President, NC Society for Ethical Culture
Annual Meeting for Members and Friends of NC Society for Ethical Culture

January 11
Ron Scher, President, NC Division of United Nations Association
The United Nations: Past Imperfect, Present Tense, Future Conditional

















